June 13th 2020
A message from
The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts
Reinaldo Herrera
Advisory Board
Ali Cordero Casal
Board of Directors
Today we celebrate VAEA’s 30th anniversary and the 230th birth anniversary of José Antonio Páez with this important announcement.
We celebrate the life and work of two great architects of our time with our highest award.
The Páez Medal of Art 2020
The Páez Medal of Art 2020

@Frank Gehry by Alexandra Cabri

@James Alcock by Clarissa Alcock Bronfman
A Reflection on Architecture as an Art Form
For VAEA, it is a privilege this year to honor an art form that represents an integral part of our own being, an art we inhabit, we breathe, we transform into history. Architecture is nothing but our own personal history and the honorees represent an integral part of our lives….. Essay Architecture as Art by Prof. Mario Valero.
VAEA New Rochelle Art Center
We are celebrating today with an online virtual event where we’ll sign the founding document Broadcast via IG Live @vaearts at 3:00 pm EST also by Zoom
June 13, 2020
The Board of Directors of The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts
The Founding of
VAEA New Rochelle Arts
VAEA participated in the RFP process established by The City of New Rochelle and was selected to be the operator of the first cultural center in the city, transforming 12,000-square-feet of space in the historic Loew’s Theater site located at 595 Main Street New Rochelle, New York.
On March17, 2020 a lease was signed that granted our foundation the right to develop and operate the cultural center.
The Mission
The cultural center will provide arts education programs, performing and visual arts events, as well as literature, poetry, music, and artist-in-residence programs. VAEA will partner with other institutions to jointly make this vibrant city an international art destination.
Dedication to Youth
The Future is now. Youth are the Future.
VAEA New Rochelle embraces the mission of educating our youth through the Arts as a way to transform our unstable and violent world into a livable and peaceful one.
We are honored to celebrate our foundation with a concert by renowned Westchester pianists Anthony & Mary Jane Newman.
As an homage to the founding VAEA NR Art Center
J.S. Bach – Italian Concerto, Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue,
Anthony Newman – Sonata in Honor of Great Composers: Debussy, Beethoven and Mozart
Anthony Newman – Sonata in Honor of Great Composers: Debussy, Beethoven and Mozart

See the concert in IG live @vaearts today June 13th 2020 4:00 pm EST and Zoom
Dr & Mrs Robert Perler
Oliver Krish @whatako_creative
Diego Rooks
Irene Yibirin
Daniel Gutierrez
Arq Henrique Vera
Betty Richards & Ricardo Naxon
Luis R. Cancel
Architectural Project VAEA NR
Arq Hermann Ebner is a German-Venezuelan architect and museographer known for his advanced designs and the use of new materials. Our gratitude to Hermann for his dedication to our New Rochelle cultural center.

@ Hermann Ebner by Juan Mogollón

Artist-In-Residency Program
We are pleased to announce the first artist to #VAAEAR is Arq. Miguel Braceli. He will arrive to NR on July 6, 2020 to begin an art project about inclusion in the city.

Miguel Braceli is a multidisciplinary artist working at the intersection between art, architecture, and education. His practice is focused on participatory projects in public space. Most of these projects have been large scale works, developed in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, México, Spain, Sweden, United States, and Venezuela. These works explore notions of borders, migrations, national identity, and social-political conflicts; working from the geopolitical geography to a human scale.
Our gratitude to The City of New Rochelle and www.accel7.org for supporting this program
VAEA Bratter Padrino Program
We received 75 applications in order to support 12 artists in Venezuela. The need of additional support is immense. With $500 per artist you sponsor an artist for a full year. Our gratitude to Bratter PA

About the Páez Medal
The Páez Medal of Art is awarded once a year to an individual or group that has had an impact and contributed to the excellence, growth, support and proliferation of the arts in Venezuela and the United States; Previous recipients include: Julian Schnabel in 2019, Margot Benacerraf in 2019, Gustavo Dudamel in 2018, Bob Colacello in 2017, Marisol Escobar in 2016; Annie Leibovitz in 2015; Sofía Imber in 2014, Robert Wilson in 2013 and Carlos Cruz-Diez in 2012.

The Páez Medal of Art 2020 Award Ceremony

Press information available in Spanish & English by request at contact@vaearts.org
About VAEAThe VAEA is a NY based 501(c)3 public charity, founded on June 13, 1990 with the mission of promoting the best of Venezuelan and US cultures through bi-national cultural, educational and social programs.
For additional information visit VAEArts.org, call 917 2858232 (vaea) or email contact@vaearts.org
The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts (VAEA) is a New York based 501 (c)3 public charity with the mission of promoting the best of Venezuelan and American cultures through bi-national cultural and social programs.
To support VAEA and make a 2020 tax deductible contribution click here.