June 13th, 1990
The Founders of The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts
The Founding of
The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts
On the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Jose Antonio Páez, a Venezuelan independence hero turned humanist that live the last decade of his life in New York as a prominent member of society, a philanthropist, and supporter of the arts and culture of the city. We all the signers of this resolution decide to create in his homenage a non for profit to be registered under the laws of New York
The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts, Inc
VAEA will be established as a corporation as defined in section 102 (1) (5) of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.
The purposes of VAEA will be as follows:
(a) to promote through the visual and performing arts a deeper and richer understanding by Venezuelan citizens of U.S. culture and by U.S. citizens of Venezuelan Culture;
(b) to support the development and appreciation by U.S. students and other members of the U.S. general public of visual and performing art by Venezuelan artist, and by Venezuelan students and other members of the Venezuelan general public of visual and performing art by U.S. artist;
(c) to support, incluging by funding and the conduct of activities, distribution, and dissemination of works of, and information regarding, Venezuelan visual art in Venezuela;
(d) to support speakers and researchers from each country on matters relating to VAEA purposes;
(e) to establish and maintain an office and to engage staff and other individuals and entities to provide goods and services to VAEA;
(f) to provide funding and other support to individuals and organizations including domestic tax-exempt and foreign charitable organizations and otherwise to support and conduct activities in furtherance of VAEA purposes.
It is resolved that the Founder Chairman and C.E.O. will be Ali Cordero Casal, the attorney and legal firm to incorporate the foundation will be Robert J. Horton from Stults, Balber, Horton & Slotnik, and the directors for the firts period the following

Ali Cordero Casal, Chairman
Founding Board members
Name |
Address |
Honorary Founder |
Luis Herrera Campins | Former President of Venezuela Quinta la Herrereña Sebucan Caracas |
Board Members |
Ali Cordero Casal | 30 West 61st Street New York, NY 10023 |
Jose Alvarez-Stelling | 220 East 51st Street New York, NY 10022 |
Anne Horton | 36 Sutton Place South New York, NY 10022 |
Ricardo Pau-Llosa | 3225 S.W. 58th Avenue Miami, FL 33155 |
Caresse Landsberg de Alcantara |
117 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 |
The founders present today at 1:00pm at the Royalton Hotel located at 44 West Street New York, New York
With an unanimous voter, the motion carries.
Ali Cordero Casal |
Robert Y. Stebbings |
Dalia Reyes de Cordero |
Neal Slavin |
Anne Horton |
Anita Slavin |
Robert Horton |
Bernard Chappard |
Cynthia Zachary |
Phyllis Tuchman |
Arnold Newman |
Rafael Santandreu |
Augusta Newman |
Linda Calvet |
Carlos Rosales |
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